
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Ep. 20 What's on your plate? Diet and Nutrition
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Today we talk about what we are eating and where it is coming from? Are you eating the standard american table fare? Heavy in carbs, and containing beef, pork, or chicken? What about all of the wondrous meat and fish from around the world?
Have you ever had fresh oysters? Venison back strap? Elk tenderloin? We go over these today, and how you can prepare an amazing meal for your family this thanksgiving. Stay tuned.

Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Ep. 19 Why are we so alone?- Politics and Philosophy
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
In the most connected world that has ever existed in time and space, why are we so alone?
Why do we not know our neighbors? Why do they not know us?
IF times get tough, we need our communities... Whether it is a subdivision, an apartment complex, condos, or 80 acre ranches... We need to do more to gain a social network within our individual communities. What have you done today?

Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Ep. 18 What the hell are we doing? Survival & Preparedness
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
I have been on a hiatus helping a friend restore a truck and finding some new bearings based on the path our country is heading toward.
As I have said before, I am neither a D or an R. But what we are witnessing now, is a new chapter in history. Most likely it will not be a good one.
What happened to reason, logic, and Common sense? What happened to humanity?

Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Ep. 17 As a society, do we value human life? History & the Future
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
As a society, do we value human life? Why or why not? Are these mass shootings and bombings a legal issure, or a symptom of a much bigger problem?
Today we talk about whether or not the world still values human life, and at what level?
Are these shootings something that can be legislated away with legal framework, or there something much deeper beginning to show itself? Supposing that is true, what does the future look like, and what happened in the past when it did happen?
Please like, share, and subscribe. We are on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Ep. 16 Why do we hunt and fish? Who should be hunting and fishing?
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Why do humans hunt and fish?
Is there some innate human connection to hunting and fishing passed down through our ancestors? Besides putting food on your table, and providing for our families, what is the reason humans love to hunt and fish?
Who should be hunting and fishing? Do you know HOW to hunt and fish? Have you learned with someone practicing good hunting and fishing etiquette?
More importantly: What is the carrying capacity of the animals and hunters in your area? How many animals can we safely hunt each year?
Let us know what you think in the comments, and don't forget to like, share, and subscribe. You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Podbean.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Ep. 15 What skills do you want to learn? Why? - Skill Sets
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
What skills do you want to learn? Why?
What else are we missing in our daily lives? What else have we missed in life? By learning a new skill can you and your family become closer?
Is a human meant to only know one or two skills? Or are we all meant to be a Renaissance Man/Woman?
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
-Robert A. Heinlein

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Are you growing your own food?
Do you want to?
Today we cover the basics: How much room do you have? What do you want to grow? Will you be including an animal protein source? What is permaculture? What is a forest garden? How much time and effort are you going to devote to growing food?
How do we effectively manage a pasture? What species of plants will you have in your pasture?
What happens when we use a polyculture for a pasture, and for a garden vs a monoculture..
Also: I meant to say predatory insects, but kept saying parasitic.(I kept thinking about the parasitic wasp)

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Episode 13- Diet & Nutrition
What are some of the common vegetables you have never heard?
What kinds of materials do you cook with?
What are the benefits of cooking with cast iron and clay?
In todays episode we discuss the different kinds of vegetables that were used in days gone by, as well as the nutrient content of these vegetables. We also discuss what people are cooking with today, and of yesteryear.
Find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and Facebook. Please Like, Share, and Subscribe

Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
In today's episode we talk about the Mainstream media, and how they are failing not only their viewers, but the American population as a whole.
What is the story with the NPC meme craze, but more importantly, does it highlight the Group Think of the masses?
Who does that threaten, and by what rules are each side playing by?

Monday Oct 15, 2018
Ep. 11 The goals and plans for the future of this podcast
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
In this episode I'm talking to you about my goals, and the goals of this podcast.
Just exactly what are we trying to do here?
Here are the subjects this podcast as a whole will be covering:
Skill sets
Survival/Being Prepared