
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Ep. 10 Civil War.... Seriously?
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Yesterday when I recorded this podcast I had read three articles on a potential Civil War brewing right here in the U.S. of A. Seriously? Was the last one not bad enough? This morning I woke up to the headline "Riots in Portland." Left and Right wing groups fighting in the streets of Portland with brass knuckles, bear spray, and tactical batons. In this episode I talk about what a Civil War in America could look like, the weapons already being used, and how the dynamic could change.
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Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ep. 9 Leave those emotions at home lets talk about the sacred cows.
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
What are the rules? What group do you belong to? Today we sacrifice the sacred cow upon the alter of being objective. Regulatory agencies, the EPA, DOJ, and LEO's. Can we have the adult conversation yet?

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ep. 8 Legacies- What are you leaving on this planet?
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
What legacy was legacy for you? What legacy are you building? What legacy was left for your parents and grandparents? Will we build on the past? Or will we destroy it? It is our choice.

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ep. 7 Life and Family
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Is Family a four letter word for you? Should it be? Today we are talking about the spice of life, a baby. The CUTEST darn things ever. What does family mean to you, and how will you treat the generations to come?

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ep. 6 Free Speech and the New Puritans
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Where do you stand on the issue of Free Speech. Are we entering a new age of Puritanism? Who do we allow a platform, and who do we ban as a society? Who gets to choose, and how do you vet them?

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ep. 5 How do we treat our fellow humans?
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
On Today's podcast we are talking about how we treat the humans we interact with on a daily basis.. How do we treat strangers, our family, our friends? Is the argument worth it? At what level of confrontation do you stop the argument?

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Ep. 4 Conservation and slowing down our days
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
With all of the wildfires plaguing the Western half of the United States, what questions can we ask, and what can we learn?
Also, what would happen if we had more time to think? If by chance we could slow down our days by 10%? Doing little things, such as taking a walk at the end of the day, with no interruptions, just you and your thoughts..

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Ep. 3 Who have you surrounded yourself with?
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Today we are talking about who you surround yourselves with. Do you they want the goals you do?
What about your significant other? Can you tell them anything? Or, are there things that you have to hid from them?
Think about your inner circle, and make the cuts if necessary.

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Ep. 2 A bit about me and why I started asking questions originally
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
There are things life we will never know. But we can ask ourselves why, how, what, who, and when. After all this distinguishes humans from apes. We ask why.
So listen, learn a bit about me and about why I started.

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Ep. 1 Asking Questions and getting started
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Well, Here go!! The name will be Restoring our Humanity as the title suggests.
August 15, 2018-
Today we are talking about how humanity who we are and where we are going.
Initially recorded on August 8, I will try and bring you both questions and answers that either haven't been asked, or answers that haven't solved anything. We'll get down to the truth and where we can go from here.